Quick Update

Not very good at updating my blog right now! You read that all over the internet of course. We’re coming down to the final three months before my daughter’s wedding. I was talking to someone yesterday about taking a watercolor class. Not until fall, I told her.  Yes, weddings are all consuming, she said. Well, we’re trying not to let it get that way with some good planning, but it does seem a rather large event looming on our horizon. A bridal shower is being planned in about three weeks time, and although I said I’m not getting involved, I lied. I’m starting to bake this week, keeping in mind that I’m hosting a family dinner on Friday and attending another three hours away in Saturday. Thankfully, my family is very forgiving and unlikely to bat an eye if I do something like forget the main course. A few Christmases ago, I made a turkey dinner and found the dressing untouched in the oven a few days later. I don’t know how that happened because for me and a few other people, dressing is the main event. Anyway, I’m living by the pen and notebook and looking forward to everything.

The knitted dress? Even machine knitting takes time to learn as I’ve come to realize. While you can make large rectangles of plain knitted textile very quickly, making a garment to fit right off the machine bed, along with patterning at least part of it so it’s not so plain takes a longer. So far, my experimental sweater has two sleeves, two backs, and one badly made front. I’m starting  a new front. The discarded front and back will probably turn into something like a cut and sew hot water bottle cover. The road to the actual dress is much longer than I anticipated.

I’ve also been doing some paper crafting. I love the box cards I’ve been seeing all over Pinterest and took a swing at making some. The first was made using a purchased project from Cricut. The second, is made from scratch using a box card base template from The Non-Crafty Crafter. The box cards fold flat to fit in an envelope, but open to display the details within. I’m  inspired to make more, bigger and better!


All Occasion Box Cards by Lori Whitlock available through the Cricut Design Space


Box card made with The Non-Crafty Crafter template and Cricut DS images.

I also have to fit a little work in. Over on Ponybox:

And on About.com, things keep rolling along.

And now, I’m sure I have something to do…

One thought on “Quick Update

  1. I did see this previous post, cathy . I learn you have a daughter és wedding in some months . BBTW I do not know how many children you got.
    A wedding brings a lot of works. we had six.
    After the knitting, the craft ; perhaps it is less complicated even with a machine ! 🙂
    Love ❤


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